CVCHS Visual Arts 

Courageous Creators Completing Excellent Work

"My deep hope is that you will courageously attempt, explore, create and complete such excellent work that you will be inspired to investigate what else you can do."


The Visual Arts department provides an opportunity for students to augment their high school experience by learning to appreciate and create relevant and high-quality art pieces.  All classes are electives. Four of the five courses meet the UC requirement of fulfilling a Visual and Performing Arts (VPA). 


The CVCHS Visual Art curriculum map demonstrates that every unit of instruction is tied to the Proficency level of the California Standards for Art Education.


Kevin Langmaack has been an art teacher in Minnesota and California for 25 years and has recently achieved his National Board Certification.  Besides teaching, Kevin is a husband and a father and an artist. 

Select a course below to learn more

Intro to Art

2D Art

3D Art

Advanced Art

Graphic Design